Tuesday 1 April 2014


Photographed myself in Leonard's famous 'star man' position, and photoshopped elements of visionary artist Alex Grey's art work to make an interesting composition.

Here you can see my development process, fiddling around with colour and composition.

Whats working?
i like the general composition, the way my arms are spread out in 'da vinci style' i also like the arch way that frames my body, it gives a good focal point to the picture. in the final picture i also like how the layered pattern gives the illusion of depth. i also kind of like how Ambers face is caught in the moment looking back at the viewer.
Whats not working?
i dont really like how my you cannot see my body, my skin, i feel it would look more natural if i were de clothed. i dont really like the background with the fence and the road wit h a parked car there. it interferes with what the picture is about. 
Whats next? conduct the same picture maybe taking off my t-shirt? taking a picture of some bush land so i can photoshop that in and make it a more harmonious scene. 

1 comment:

  1. this is a great use of class time, keep up the good work hobbs
